Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A big tq..

Must give credits to my lovely daughter..klu x tak jadi2 le mama nye yg dah mencapai zon 'golden era' ni menulis.(isy..dah tua tapi masih berangan hu hu)..TQVM Ika( or peeka as she is popularly known to her frens) really appreciate it,we are going tru a very bad episode of our lives and who would hav undertood better than your momma here rite?perahsantan la tu!!!Anyway since hari raya is still in the air i guess it is still not too late to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya.to those people fr my past and present.mintak ampun dan maaf diatas segala salahsilap..also to my beloved hubby n kids yg selalu sabar dgn my antics..am only human k..To kakak(my first born) and Ika guess A Very Hepi Bday wish is still not too late kan.Talk about bdays,i used to give my kids cards and gifts and must haves Bday Cakes.Later part of their lives i no longer do that and told them that it should be the other way around!And wy not?bukan kita mak2 ni yg bertarung nyawa melahirkan so patut kan diaorg yg bagi kita hadiah!!!Ha ha some mums out there may disagree n think that i am probably slfish n a bit senget but hey, evryone is entitled to their own opinion kan kan.. biaq p la..rasenye enuf for my maiden entry..insyaAllah pnjang umur kita jmpa lagi,wassalam..


  1. huhu..tenkiu mom..welcome to blogging world!jgn hangat2 taik ayam nooooo....

  2. cayala makcik!go go sesama kita berblogging..singgah2 la kat blog saya ye~~
    kawan pika: ina

  3. Aha tq Ina.mdh2an tk la jd mcm pikak ckp tu..
